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Use of eggshells

Make your coffee sweeter: Adding crushed eggshells to your coffee grounds helps lessen the acidity of your coffee. Then you can toss the used grounds and eggshells in your compost bin or toss them both into your garden soil. The eggshells have the calcium, but the coffee grounds provide the nitrogen.

Add. Notes: The finer you grind your eggshells, the sooner the calcium will be available to garden plants. Critters dislike the sharp chalkiness so sprinkle around plants for natural barrier.

The nutritional compostion of egg shells is very similar to that of our own bones and teeth, which makes them ideal for this, since as well as calcium they contain a wide range of additional micronutrients beneficial to these body structures, like molybednum, boron, silicon e.t.c.

Making your own calcium supplement from egg shells couldn’t be easier (or more economical). Rinse out egg shells (leaving the membrane intact as this contains substances which are good for the joints) and leave to air dry. Depending on what you have to hand, use a blender/plastic bag and rolling pin (although a coffee grinder works best) to crush the shells to a fine powder. One medium egg shell will grind down into 1 tsp of powder, which contains 750-800 mgs of elemental calcium. In order to transform this into the most bio-available form of calcium (calcium citrate), mix ½ tsp egg shell powder with the juice ½ freshly squeezed lemon and leave for a minimum of six hours, but no longer than twelve.