

Hi, I’m Seeking support for @niniesrina who fight for women for Emerging Champions @NPeaceNetwork #Peace in #Asia —> Thank you :)

Nisrina is a very young woman who has a lot of talent and potential is  defender of humanity.

Even though she has been rejected by her biological father abandoned because she was born as a girl, though not know school since sixth grade elementary schools — seven years ago – because friend’s bullying, discrimination by teachers and also due to economic factors. Defender of her people-the women who constantly demeaned and treated unfairly-as the experience of her mother - who after being a victim of domestic violence, there must be discrimination also by neighborhood and country.

Young age is not a reason to dissipate time or gulping a day without definite.

Fifteen years of age when she really goes against and stepped outside rail to explore the world of writers, journalists and activists. At that age she also prefers to be called ‘Youth’ rather than ‘Teenager’. She said, “Troubled teens are often synonymous with ‘turbulent, hang out, or gadget’.”

Of helping fire victims, spread knowledge about healthy living, make people aware of the importance of energy saving and loving the earth. She kept moving tirelessly, no matter if he had bent under the bridge broke fly over or go to realm of scavengers for sharing knowledge or passion in life’s tough-but still can be useful for others-especially in children and adolescents a daily live on the streets or just tell stories, read interesting stories and benefits for children who are smaller on the banks of Ciliwung riverbank, Jakarta.

If she had several times to penetrate the European continent, Korean ginseng country, then to some kind of Asian countries Thailand and Burma, It’s all part of her duties. Included to be a speaker at schools, universities or institutions / other communities, both in the major cities safe zone until the conflict areas from Aceh to Atambua, or in areas prone to women and girls such as Indramayu, Padang and Jakarta.

Women’s issues and everything related to women and girls become her priority. Not just a matter of equality that still have to be pursued, but the issue of women’s health; Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), also the problem of violence against women, whether perpetrated by strangers or the nearest person as lover or husband.

Many of her ideals. If she looks relaxed, it is because she lived her life like water flowing without ever thinking about where the estuary.

    Posted by papillonslibres, 10 years ago
    Short URL for this post -
    09 July, 2013
    Posted at 2:26 PM