Seven 9s and 10s

“ If you want to get a Custom print of any Drawing from my store Building a World now is the time to do it. It is much easier for me to do these all at once, so they are on sale until tomorrow night, Friday November 22nd.
Save 25%...


If you want to get a Custom print of any Drawing from my store Building a World now is the time to do it. It is much easier for me to do these all at once, so they are on sale until tomorrow night, Friday November 22nd.

Save 25% now! I can vouch for the quality of these prints, so if you love explodingdog, perhaps now is a good time to go get your favorite drawing printed. They’d make excellent presents!

(via explodingdog)

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  5. drysafemarker said: Nice! just like Homemade polaroid….
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