Seven 9s and 10s


My brother is back at our place and safe. Thank you to those reblogging the previous posts. I’ll update them shortly to reflect this.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

(via everythinginthesky)

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  1. ivegotzooms said: HUGGGGG!
  2. tj said: Favorite part. I’m so glad to hear this.
  3. texburgher reblogged this from everythinginthesky and added:
    This is such great news.
  4. steelopus reblogged this from everythinginthesky
  5. thosequieteyes said: I am so, so, so glad to hear this, Ryan. I just now saw what was going on and I’m so relieved to hear it all turned out okay. Love and best wishes to you and your whole family. <3
  6. fanefingtastic said: I’m so glad to hear this!
  7. everythinginthesky posted this