Seven 9s and 10s

Seriously Tumblr? 10:39pm on a Saturday night is high-capacity?
But then you error out with this stupid message?
Clearly my username and password are correct because you were able to pull down the list of all the Tumblrs associated with my email...

Seriously Tumblr? 10:39pm on a Saturday night is high-capacity?

But then you error out with this stupid message?


Clearly my username and password are correct because you were able to pull down the list of all the Tumblrs associated with my email address.  Tumblr, you’re pretty damned worthless lately, and if it weren’t for the great community of people I would probably go elsewhere.


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    1. dwineman said: Tumblr Backup was Marco Arment’s pet project, he’s not at Tumblr anymore, and I don’t think they have any Mac developers on staff. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on this one.
    2. steelopus posted this