Seven 9s and 10s

High-resWhile recording a vocal track* for song #41, I bit the inside of my lip. It has been bleeding profusely for 5 minutes. I’m pretty sure that this Q-tip is the only thing keeping me alive right now.
The best part: the mic was live so the moment was...

While recording a vocal track* for song #41, I bit the inside of my lip. It has been bleeding profusely for 5 minutes. I’m pretty sure that this Q-tip is the only thing keeping me alive right now.

The best part: the mic was live so the moment was captured. It the most hilariously painful recording of my life. Maybe I’ll release it as an outtake.

*If anyone asks - I was in a hockey fight.

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    1. redcloud said: I’m going to need an audio sample of that moment. For science.
    2. dailybez said: oh man you beat that guy’s ass SO BAD
    3. luckyshirt said: Some kind of easy insult.
    4. steelopus posted this