Seven 9s and 10s


Of course it’s not until I export my 41st song that Garageband decides to randomly delete a large portion of several tracks. I’ve tried every trick in the book but those tracks are gone, never to be resurrected. I consider this a major disaster. The only way to get them back would be to re-record them.

So you’ll just have to settle for my original export that has the vocals a little hotter than I wanted and is overall a bit sloppier, because there’s no way I’m re-recording drums, bass, and guitar at 2:45am. At least the original export has all the parts.

This is an entirely frustrating way to end the project.

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    1. cirquedurartastic said: that sucks. hugs.
    2. lowkeywitsec said: Oh no! I’m so sorry to read that.
    3. steelopus posted this