Seven 9s and 10s

High-resGuillermo doesn’t know what the hell is up… so can anyone else explain why there are so many feet on Piictu?
I’m hesitant to even open the app, because every time I do I’m assaulted by multiple rows of nasty feet.

Guillermo doesn’t know what the hell is up… so can anyone else explain why there are so many feet on Piictu?

I’m hesitant to even open the app, because every time I do I’m assaulted by multiple rows of nasty feet.

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    1. doublejack-blog said: I don’t know. My “thumb wiener” theme was apparently censored, though, so maybe diversity of ideas isn’t encouraged. ;)
    2. froggeek said: Embrace the foot, Steve.
    3. steelopus posted this