Seven 9s and 10s

Is my house on fire right now?

File under: Questions I never thought I’d have to ask myself.

That’s the only logical question to ask when you’re lying in bed and hear loud engines and walkie talkies outside and so you get up and peak out your window to see three fire trucks and a sheriff parked directly outside your house and one of the trucks has it’s big searchlight shining directly at your house and there are half a dozen firemen just sorta wandering around the street talking to each other.

When they finally noticed me staring out through my front window in my jammies with “WTF?” written on my face one of the firemen turned off the light. After about three minutes they all got back in their trucks and drove away. There were never any sirens.

I have no idea what just happened.

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    1. unintentionallyungraceful said: ALIENS, OBVS.
    2. lindstifa answered: Boogeyman. Obviously.
    3. pocketcuntents answered: WTF? I’d never be able to get to sleep after that. Did you call the station?
    4. nicky36 answered: ????????? I’m glad you aren’t dead.
    5. lafix said: You use Axe hairpoo?
    6. steelopus posted this