Seven 9s and 10s

“ “Someone is Changing Portland Stop Signs to "Poop” | Blogtown, PDX“
Someone is my hero.

Someone is Changing Portland Stop Signs to "Poop” | Blogtown, PDX

Someone is my hero.

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    1. bmacmurphy-blog reblogged this from smartasshat
    2. summertilmidnight reblogged this from steelopus
    3. maddielm-blog reblogged this from steelopus
    4. azucarrrrrroja reblogged this from steelopus and added:
      I saw this on the news today. So funny!
    5. guykudo reblogged this from steelopus
    6. do-over said: Why does this make me giggle? This makes me giggle.
    7. smartasshat reblogged this from steelopus and added:
      It’s good, but I see a missed opportunity for “BONE AWAY”.
    8. steelopus posted this