Seven 9s and 10s

Maybe it’s just in the collective imagination of the 27,000-plus braainwashed boomers who went down to the Crossroads on Saturday, but it sure seems that the music of 40 years ago is ever more vibrant than today’s lame pop tunes. It’s unlikely that fans in 2050 will look back on 2010 the way today’s fiftysomethings revere the sounds of 1970.

Clapton sure can pick ‘em :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Blues (via Roger Ebert)

Ick. Punk was our great saviour from the rock of 1970.

At least now I have something besides computer games to disagree with Roger Ebert about.

(via stuffparty)

Ebert is spot on with his statement and your introduction of punk into the argument is completely besides his point.  I don’t see Justin Bieber putting on a festival in 50 years to celebrate the shitty music he and his peers are currently releasing.

1965-1970 produced some of the greatest straight-up rock n’ roll that you’ll ever hear.

I don’t want to hear a single person praise “punk rock” without also hearing them mention that those kids wouldn’t have been inspired to pick up instruments in the first place if it weren’t for the rock n’ roll that preceeded their genre.

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