Seven 9s and 10s

Audio posts simply show up with that big-ass play button. That is absolutely not helpful when trying to tag them, or even identify them.
Add the “Mega-Editor” to the list of features Tumblr has rolled-out before they are ready for prime time.
I don’t...

Audio posts simply show up with that big-ass play button.  That is absolutely not helpful when trying to tag them, or even identify them.

Add the “Mega-Editor” to the list of features Tumblr has rolled-out before they are ready for prime time.

I don’t care if you tell us it’s only beta.  Next time I think it’d be best if you keep a new feature in a true beta environment, and then roll out a full-featured version 1.0, rather than force your entire user base to act as beta testers.

[EDIT]: This was my mistake. It works as advertised. My apologies.

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    1. nicky36 said: PARTY POOPER
    2. steelopus posted this