July 10, 2012
How to easily make some coin during Wintersday In July


The next major event to occur in the Guild Wars universe is Wintersday in July, which runs from Friday, July 13 (this Friday!) at noon PDT (GMT-7) and wraps up on Sunday, July 15, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).  

I know there’s a lot of people on Tumblr (and really GW in general) who are now making a push for 30/50 in the HoM.  I’m making this post to tell you how to easily gain some coin to help aide you in that cause.  I’m going to be as detailed as I possibly can, but trust me, this is easy stuff and you can handle it with a little patience and the old college try. 

I’m going to post this after a break as to avoid blowing up people’s dash.

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I’m 40/50 myself in the HoM, but I’m reposting this anyway since it’s a very valuable guide to one of the more profitable GW1 farms.

  1. nika-blogs-sometimes reblogged this from pewpewqq and added:
    This is good stuff! I personally don’t use Radiant insignias, but I use Earth Forged, +10 armor vs. earth and +10 armor...
  2. eatmyfrakkinshorts-blog reblogged this from pewpewqq and added:
    Reblogging for future use, and to spread the love.
  3. theitinerantmesmersjournal reblogged this from pewpewqq and added:
    I’m 40/50 myself in the HoM, but I’m reposting this anyway since it’s a very valuable guide to one of the more...
  4. wanderlust-through-tyria-blog reblogged this from citriplays and added:
    If you get good at farming this, you can also use it to achieve the Legendary Survivor title. You can buy XP scrolls to...
  5. whitecharr reblogged this from citriplays and added:
    Great info!
  6. citriplays reblogged this from pewpewqq and added:
    ^Extremely helpful, ya’ll