February 23, 2013



Meet my new Norn guardian, Jora Mettesdottir, named in honor of you-know-who. She’s currently experiencing her first adventures in the Wayfarer Foothills, and has just been commissioned by Belgarth the Smith to bring him Deldrimor steel for a masterwork weapon he plans that he claims can shatter the Tooth of Jormag…

Hail, Jora! May your legend live up to your infamous name.

I can and I will, good engineer. Doubt it not!

(via nornengineer)

4:10pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZMnQOveqaIuR
Filed under: guild wars 2 gw2 norn guardian rp 
  1. theitinerantmesmersjournal reblogged this from nornengineer and added:
    I can and I will, good engineer. Doubt it not!
  2. nornengineer reblogged this from theitinerantmesmersjournal and added:
    Hail, Jora! May your legend live up to your infamous name.