May 25, 2013
Weird Edge: Skill challenge/vista help needed


If anyone is reading this now or in the next few minutes (5 pm Eastern 5/25) and can guest to Henge of Denravi server, I REALLY need help getting the skill challenge point and vista near Junction Haven waypoint (Gendarran Fields), especially the skill challenge….

As it happened, I got a couple of people to help and did both within the hour (thanks to those who offered to help, though).  However, I’m stuck somewhere else, more or less.  Rant follows. (Imagine a VERY angry Charr engineer bellowing over his ale in a Black Citadel tavern as you read the following.)

I’m in the Harathi Hinterlands right now, and let me tell you all, on Henge of Denravi, there is almost NOBODY there today. Completing the champion fight after the raid on the Centaur camp - usually one of my favorite event chains - was a flippin’ nightmare because there were only two or three players there. I begged for help several times on map channel, but almost nobody answered. And I had to give up on another champion fight on the other side of the river after that because only two other people showed up for that event. In fact, I quit for the night after that because I was so damned mad.

I think I’m going to do the rest of that map guesting on another server, maybe Tarnished Coast. I’m just that ticked off with my home server right now.

(via weirdfolio)

  1. theitinerantmesmersjournal reblogged this from weirdfolio and added:
    As it happened, I got a couple of people to help and did both within the hour (thanks to those who offered to help,...
  2. princeapostate reblogged this from misochip and added:
    I’m on HoD And I have that whole map done joeyperson.2745 if you want some help
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  5. weirdfolio reblogged this from theitinerantmesmersjournal and added:
    gw 2 tumblr in need of help signal boost