Wine’d Down Wednesdays

I wanted to post my comments on our Wine’d Down Wednesdays that have been going on for the last four weeks because there have been some fascinating conversations that have taken place. For those who are not familiar with this Wednesday event @ The Grove around 4:30pm we pop open a few bottles of wine (the number of which continues to grow) and sit around our big table and discuss the week. What are the latest projects you are working on? Any notable achievements or movement you have experienced?

What comes out of an event like this is community. Wednesday afternoon now seems to be our biggest coworking day. People are coming to connect, share their ideas, and discuss their struggles. Several of our friends from the city seem to pop in for the event as well.

So, if you are a member of The Grove or connected to one some way stop by on Wednesday afternoon and experience a space where the rivers of wine, conversation, and ideas are flowing into a sea of community.  



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