May 7, 2014
I saw that the solicitation cover for the third Korra Dark Horse art book is up on Amazon’s pre-order now. That was an earlier work-in-progress version, and this one above is slightly different, and if history is any indicator I will still be...

I saw that the solicitation cover for the third Korra Dark Horse art book is up on Amazon’s pre-order now. That was an earlier work-in-progress version, and this one above is slightly different, and if history is any indicator I will still be tweaking it up until Dark Horse rips it out of my hands at the absolute last second. The background design is an update by Angela Sung of an old ATLA one by Ricardo Delgado. Fred Stewart did an absolutely exquisite job painting it––probably one of my top 5 favorite background paintings of his on Korra. Korra was drawn and colored by me. The Book 2 art book will be released on September 16, 2014, and the Book 3 art book, which we are working on right now, will come out on January 20, 2015.

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