March 30, 2013

I remember back in the Avatar days… the typical fanart we would get would be a charming, childish crayon drawing stuffed in an envelope. Nowadays on Korra, I take a skewed screenshot with my phone, post it, and shortly thereafter someone un-skews it, crops it, separates the character levels, clones the background, “Ken Burns” it with a multilevel slide, animates the characters blinking and talking, tints it, and makes a GIF out of it, that I then see on the same phone with which I took the original picture. Times they are a-changin’…

P.S. In case it is unclear, I’m not upset, I’m just amused and amazed.

EDIT: Wait, I got it! A more appropriate classification for this: not fan art, but a fan retake.

11:11am  |   URL:
Filed under: fan retake 
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