Kodak Ektachrome 100VS (Expired)

Agfa Isoly






So when delusiana loaned me her Agfa Isoly loaded with the Kodak Ektachrome E100VS I was ecstatic, and shot it mercilessly during our photowalk to the Pudu Prison and also several other places like Port Dickson and Kuala Terengganu during the Eid Mubarak holidays. I had expected the Isoly to turned out something like the Holga and imagine my surprise when I went to pick up my roll from the photoshop. This was my first time using the E100VS and I was totally blown!! The rich saturation and colors, ah, the photos couldn’t have been better than I had hoped!

However, I was disappointed when a few shots came out overlapping/ multiply exposed which I hadn’t intended at all. So I showed the scans to delusiana and she came up with the idea of merging the separate shots with photoshop to create a panorama (kind of like stitching them together) and voila! It worked!! 

So the moral here is, expect the unexpected with film photography. Maybe this was what the Isoly wanted to show me when it refused to wind to the next frame properly. Heheh.

-yovie eswark

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