Make It Big (or Small)

I found this video through a Gizmodo article. It’s about an artist who created a 10-foot tall origami elephant from a single piece of paper.

It’s an example of how so many of the most striking ideas in art come from playing with basic art theory concepts. In this case, it’s scale. Most origami creations can fit in the palm of your hand, so why not flip the expectation on its head and make the biggest folded paper sculpture you can? The reverse principle explains why the Thorne Miniature Rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago are so popular.  

The project also reminded me of the “Lead Balloon” episode of Mythbusters, which played with the conceptual contrasts of lightness and heaviness. All of these ventures make me giddy. I love to see how meticulous the artists are in executing their seemingly simple ideas. It’s really inspiring.

  1. annawashenko posted this