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Growing Pains

It’s funny that when you’re young, all you want to do is grow up fast so that you can do grown up things. Then you grow up and realise that being an adult isn’t all that you expected. So much to deal with. So much to worry about. Then you look back and remember all the things you had to deal with as a child…which wasn’t much. I know not everyone had the same childhood experiences. Some had to grow up faster than others because of what life had in store for them but the fact still remains…being a child was easier than being a grown up. But we all have to grow up. Sooner or later. Like it or not. And its not easy. Life can be a harsh teacher at times, often giving you the tests first before revealing the lessons afterwards. Imagine having a teacher like that. Well you don’t have to imagine because that’s exactly how life is. It will test us before we know what lessons we are supposed to learn. And everyones test is different. I don’t know why, but that’s just how it is. Some people are tested more than others, while others seem to rarely get tested. That isn’t fair. But no one said life was meant to be fair. There’s nothing fair about losing loved ones to death. There’s nothing fair about seeing what you worked so hard for come crushing down in front of you.There’s nothing fair about unrealized dreams, goals and ambitions. There’s nothing fair about the hurt and disappointment that people who we love and care about will put us through due to their actions and/or words. There’s nothing fair about seeing people suffering for whatever reason. There’s nothing fair about some of the pure evil that exists in some people that would make them do unthinkable things to a fellow human being. There’s nothing fair about a lot of things in life. But then again, no one said life was supposed to be fair. And the older you get, the more you realise how unfair life can be. And its at such points that you reminisce on how simple life was as a child.

But we all have to grow up. And by growing up I’m not talking about acting your age and doing things that you think people your age should be doing and all that. Although that’s part of growing up, people mature differently, and so you can’t expect two 20 year olds to act the same. One might act with the maturity of a 40 year old, while the other may act like my 3 year old nephew. It doesn’t matter how you act age wise because sooner or later, like it or not, LIFE will test you and force you to either learn and grow…or continue acting like you were never tested at all. The lessons after the test are there to learn and grow from. They might not seem apparent at the time, but another thing I’ve learned about life is that everything happens for a reason. Even when you can think of no logical reason why some things should happen, often there is. These are growing pains. We’ll all experience them in our own way and at our own time, but they will come because Life happens to us all until we are dead and gone.
But life must go on. And while you’re still alive, you might as well make the best of it. Remember, it won’t be easy and often it won’t feel fair. But these growing pains are what help us grow into the people we want to be…remember that famous, “what do you want to do or be when you grow up?” question we are asked when we are young? Well only you can answer that and only you knows how hard or how bad you want to be that person. Whatever the case, life will test you and give you growing pains. But as you learn life’s many lessons, don’t forget that you can still dream.You can still aspire to be who or whatever you want to be. You can still work hard. You can still make something out of nothing. You can still have a better life. It may sound like corny advice that you hear on tv or in songs but if you pay attention to life and the lessons it gives, you’ll know that its possible. I wish I had the answers of how exactly it will work out, but I don’t. I’m going through my own growing pains. But Im grateful to have known a man who showed me that despite whatever life throws at you and tests you with…provided you are humble and willing to learn…no matter how painful or unfair life’s tests might seem or actually be…you can still achieve.Otherwise what’s the alternative? Death awaits us all… One life to live… might as well chase your dreams, whatever they are, however big or SMALL. One life to live, but if you live it wisely, then one life is enough. These are growing pains…and to that man, I thank you… Thank you Dad, for showing me that not even death can stop a real Dream Chaser because your legacy will live on….