July 16, 2014
“ Interview: What Costs Will Fracking Bring to China?
Fracking has some potential to offset China’s dependence on coal, but already-burdened local communities will still bear the brunt of resulting costs. Panel discussion at Asia Society...


Interview: What Costs Will Fracking Bring to China?

Fracking has some potential to offset China’s dependence on coal, but already-burdened local communities will still bear the brunt of resulting costs. Panel discussion at Asia Society New York on Wednesday, June 11.

Read the full story here.

(via asiasociety)

2:33pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZNC33t1LflVTX
Filed under: china fracking energy 
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    So exciting to hear my good friends jaeahlee of motherjones and James West of The Climate Desk talking about this issue....
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