June 22, 2012
"Our inability to properly monitor the sources of our ideas leads to the common phenomenon of cryptomnesia – thinking that what is really a memory is actually a new idea – and in some cases inadvertent plagiarism. In brainstorming tasks, people will often repeat others’ ideas without realizing it. To counter cryptomnesia while researching my book, I make note of when I come across an idea that surprises me so that I can accurately attribute it later. It’s easy to absorb an idea and then believe honestly that it was generated by yourself. (Or, more subtly, to remember where one first heard an idea but later find it no longer surprising and in fact so obvious and intuitive that it doesn’t deserve explicit attribution—a type of hindsight bias.)"

Matthew Hutson on inception as “a simple matter of persuasion and cryptomnesia.” Hutson is the author of The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking

Also see neuroscientist David Eagleman’s Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain, which delves into how our brains synthesize memories, impressions, and other mental resources into what we call “ideas.”

(via explore-blog)

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