
I love this time of the year because it reminds me to reflect on everything that has happened to me, and I remember that although school may get stressful sometimes, I need to think about why I am pursuing higher education in the first place.

Prior to enrolling at USF, I always took my privilege for granted. I never realized how lucky I was to even attend high school, let alone get the opportunity to go to college. This past weekend, I was surrounded by family and friends, and being able to talk about all of different things I’m currently doing in college helped me realize how blessed I am to be surrounded by such amazing, like-minded students at a university that maintains a culture of open-mindedness. I’m thankful for everything I’ve been able to experience in college so far, and humbled by the distinctive characters I’ve had the opportunity to befriend.

On top of my education, I’ve become much more aware of the sacrifices that my parents have made in order to give me a chance at a better life. Everyone in my family has worked so hard for what they have, and I always try to keep them in my thoughts whenever I start to question my own abilities. I think most people need some kind of drive in order to help them through any obstacles they overcome. Being thankful for my family reminds me of why I decided to attend a university in the first place, and it encourages me to take advantage of my privilege in order to one day help others who did not have access to the same opportunities that I have been afforded.

(I’m also thankful for Adele’s “25″. Please listen to it if you haven’t already done so, it is everything you’ve ever wanted.)


usfca unversity of san francisco askdons Mark social justice privilege education Adele blessed thankful donsfeatures