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Top 10 Famous Hypochondriacs

Ok, so we don’t have any flashy superstars (because they never get sick or age), but we do have a genius, Darwin - Who else keeps a record of his own flatulence?

Let’s just ignore number 8 and remember that we share the same hypochondriac nature as the wonderful Florence Nightingale! Her selfless feats remind us that we, too, can help people since we know every disease out there, not from med-school but because, at different points in our lives, we’ve been convinced that we’ve had them.

Then there’s Little Miss Sunshine’s Abigail Breslin who, despite her adorable, child-like appearance, worries more than your average adult. Abigail is so afraid of stepping on glass that she wears shoes everywhere including in bed because, as we hypos are well aware, there is always the chance that one will sleepwalk, smash a glass, and step on the shattered remains in the middle of the night.