October 4, 2013
My camera has officially died. I have had this camera since 2006. It has got me through a four year art degree, a foundation course, been on many adventures over the last seven years, and I may have even dropped it once or twice… To remember the good...

My camera has officially died. I have had this camera since 2006. It has got me through a four year art degree, a foundation course, been on many adventures over the last seven years, and I may have even dropped it once or twice… To remember the good times I can just look back at all the photographs I have taken with it. It is the end of an era. 

RIP Nikon F-601. 

Now to make friends with a Minolta.

8:17pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZNTtPywnAuw2
Filed under: nikon 35mm camera RIP 
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