“ Small, Sneaky Squid Produce Big Sperm
Let me interpret this figure for you.
“Awww, shit, sup girl? I know you with that big tough-guy consort squid, all mating and all, but lemme just sneak in and pop this packet of super-sperm up near...


Small, Sneaky Squid Produce Big Sperm

Let me interpret this figure for you.

“Awww, shit, sup girl? I know you with that big tough-guy consort squid, all mating and all, but lemme just sneak in and pop this packet of super-sperm up near ya mouth while he ain’t looking so I can get my genetic material all replicated … circle of life and shit.”

That’s essentially what’s happening here, down to the sneaking of extra-large sperm near a female’s “sperm-storage organ” near the mouth. Squid are some diabolical little cockblockers, aren’t they? Nature’s infinite mating strategies will never cease to amaze me.

(via Discover Magazine)

Naughty, very naughty.

(via itsokaytobesmart)

mating science sneaky sperm squid cephalopod mollusk nature

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