The Coral Song - by AJ Jenkins

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the new soundtrack to my life. My work with the conservation project Green Fins is all about getting divers to help protect the reef, and reaching out to local communities to do the same. Whilst most divers and dive guides are fairly knowledgeable about the reef, I’ve met plenty of people, tourists and locals alike, who don’t know that coral is alive. 

This is the soundtrack for all my future presentations. And the song that will be in my head for the rest of the week. And I don’t even mind. 

Go ahead. Enjoy. Sing. Share. 


education science coral reef conservation environment sustainability song marine biology outreach animals ocean sea marine life marine biologist coral

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    The Coral Song.. Another fun science song. What is your favorite ecology tune?
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    This is really cute. I would swear hes saying “I’m Carl” tho… lol.
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