13 Notes

Meeting someone wonderful for the first time, regardless of the circumstance, is a wonderful, thrilling feeling.

If it’s randomly at a party or just by odd circumstance and they catch your eye or one of you makes conversation, you will leave that area at the end of it with the greatest feeling of accomplishment and wonderful thoughts and mini fantasies of future meetings to come. It’s an indescribable feeling when you can spend any amount of time talking to someone you’re instantly drawn to and find how well you click. 

The same can be said for someone you’ve spoken to online briefly or for a long time and arranged to meet, you’ll get serious anxiety and nerves on the trip there, over-thinking every little detail of your appearance, how you’re behaving and how it will eventually go. You’ll worry and you’ll laugh. It’s such an adrenaline rush and a feeling of indescribable happiness when you first get to hold them and finally spend time together.

I guess, what i’m trying to say and attempt to make poetic or beautiful, is that connecting with someone special on ANY level, be it a random encounter or a planned first time meet up gives you a very unique feeling.

One that reminds you you’re alive, that while life can polarise both a long struggle and a fleeting stroll, it is the little things we do with the big people we meet that makes that journey so very, very special.

Enjoy your day, whoever and wherever you are.



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