TIGERS ARE ON RED ALERT The Sumatran Tiger is said to be extinct by 2015, with fewer than 300-400 left in the wild due to large-scale habitat loss, poaching, hunting and human-tiger conflict. Other subspecies are said to follow.  Donate Stop the Tiger Poachers Save Tigers Now Protect Tigers from Poachers and Help Stop War on Wildlife  Donate to Save Tigers  Donate to Help Save the Tiger  Make a Donation - Save China’s Tigers Donate to Tiger Conservation  Name a Wild Tiger  WWF Tiger Appeal Tiger Appeal Sumatran Tiger Conservation Bengal Tiger Conservation Donations Save the Malayan Tiger  Malayan Tiger Conservation  Adopt a Tiger Tigers in Crisis - Adopt a Tiger  Adopt Roque the Tiger  Adopt a Tiger Today Adopt a Wild Tiger from Indonesia Adopt a Tiger - Zhorik  Tiger Adoption - Save China’s Tigers  Adopt a Wild Tiger  Petitions Stop Tiger Poaching in India  Save the Tiger  Save the Sumatran Tiger  Save the Tigers  Save the Indian Tiger  Save the Sumatran Tiger  Stop Pushing Sumatran Tiger Toward Extinction Save the Sumatran Tigers from Extinction  Protect Siberian Tiger Habitat  Act Now to Save India’s Tiger  Save the Sumatran Tiger  Save the Tiger  Stop Poaching Tigers  Close Down China’s Tiger Farms  Save the Siberian Tiger  Prevent Siberian Tiger Extinction  Save Endangered Siberian Tigers from Extinction  Illegal Tiger Trade must End  Preserve the Bengal Tiger of India  Save the Malayan Tiger from Extinction  Save Malayan Tiger by Stopping Logging  Source: ttp://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/tigers/about_tigers/sumatran_tiger/  



Ok so tigers are my favourite animal and this literally kills me. I have 12,000+ followers if each one of you donated like £3 it would be huge. Please and thank you.

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