TidyHQ Musings

TidyHQ Musings

Our learnings through TidyHQ.com from our interactions with organisations of all shapes and sizes.

We're in the business of listening to organisations and saving them time. We truly value what they tell us, and this is a crystallised series of those experiences and more.

For more product updates check out our other blog tech.tidyhq.com.

Accounting standards for clubs

When we started building TidyClub a priority for me was having a very quick and simple way to record and then report on the financial position of a club. I wanted to be at a meeting and have up-to-date numbers available. 

Giving the committee an idea of how and who the club owed or who was owing the club. Understanding the net position of the club lets you plan, lets you focus and lets you spend at the right times. 

Our platform has worked admirably for this function, giving many people an understanding of finances that was previously reserved only to the person with access and knowledge of a spreadsheet. It automatically followed up people and got the club paid auto-magically. 

It didn’t take long for accountants and book-keepers to get in touch with us requesting a higher standard of reporting, the simple language didn’t make sense to them. We were at some cross-roads. Do we continue building out the finances and turn into an accounting package or try and plug into the best accounting platforms we could find. 

It didn’t take long to work out where to next, in fact we were told by all of our clubs that Xero integration would solve all of their problems… 

Turns out however plugging in a pseudo accounting package into a real accounting package is somewhat problematic. You see our platform has grown out of a very simple money in/money out principle and as we bolted on various functionality it grew arms and legs… which don’t seem to plug in as nicely as we had hoped.

Needless to say we are now on our way to re-jigging the finances section to plug-in smoothly with the Xero platform. In a firm warning to all… don’t get into accounting unless you really really love accounting… luckily we have an accountant with us who speaks the language!

We are also working tightly with the team at Xero to ensure that we do everything the right way for maximum long term benefits (and for sane minds).

We can’t wait to help take your club to the next level of accounting and auditing goodness!  
