TidyHQ Musings

TidyHQ Musings

Our learnings through TidyHQ.com from our interactions with organisations of all shapes and sizes.

We're in the business of listening to organisations and saving them time. We truly value what they tell us, and this is a crystallised series of those experiences and more.

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Transparency is good business. If the people involved in the club know and understand why the sponsorship drive is so important, or why a club can’t give away free t-shirts, they may be more likely to give you a hand.

A few suggestions to increase the transparency could be;

  • Produce an organisational chart, insert the names of those in the positions, and print it out into a poster size document and put it on the wall in your club rooms.
  • Give them an idea of costs, by advertising how much insurance costs are, how much the canteen costs to run, or the new equipment is to purchase.
  • Start including other non-committee members on committee-like actions, get more people involved. The more involved, albeit in a third party fashion the more awareness there will be of the sheer quantity of effort involved.
  1. tidyhq-blog posted this