TidyHQ Musings

TidyHQ Musings

Our learnings through TidyHQ.com from our interactions with organisations of all shapes and sizes.

We're in the business of listening to organisations and saving them time. We truly value what they tell us, and this is a crystallised series of those experiences and more.

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Intangible Club Advice


Intangible advice is the advice that one can’t put a monetary value on. It can be incredibly poignant and handy to keep within the club, why not exploit previous experience rather than ignore it all together.

Form an advisory board, it could be made of ex-Presidents, Senior players, local community members, senior business types and alike. Discuss in an adhoc fashion several topics each month, you may not learn anything new, you may have heard it all before but at the end of each meeting decide on a few ‘to-do’ items. You have now subscribed to a timeline that will be enforced by local leaders; people you and the club respect.

Every 3-4 months, you will have to report back to them with what actions have taken place. A timeline is usually what is required to give the idealistic items a kick in the butt and get them into action.

Image from twynkle.com