TidyHQ Musings

TidyHQ Musings

Our learnings through TidyHQ.com from our interactions with organisations of all shapes and sizes.

We're in the business of listening to organisations and saving them time. We truly value what they tell us, and this is a crystallised series of those experiences and more.

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Our football club has a problem. We have less younger people in our area and wanting to join our club. With ever increasing social networking they’re finding other things to do with their time.

As a football club we need to go beyond simply being able to provide a football to kick around.

We need to show prospective new members that we have something of value, something to offer that they can’t get everywhere else. It could be better parties, functions, and other good times. It could be better facilities, or better people to guide them.

If we’re merely just another football club they’re not going to pick us.