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We Are Strong Because...5th period


Objective: Remind Our Students That They Are Amazing
Time: Last School Day before Testing .

Step 1: Hand out index cards. Tell students that this activity will be anonymous (no names)
Step 2: Write the following sentence stems on the board: I am strong because….I am confident because….
Step 3: Instruct the students to finish the sentence with something not related to school. 
Step 4:At least one student will say “I don’t know why I am strong”
Step 5: In front of the classroom finish the sentence for the student. 
Ex. You are strong because you take care of your younger brothers.
You are strong because you are always there for your friends. 
You are strong because despite all the pressures your generation faces you still wake up every day to try and make your parents proud.                    
You are strong because help your parents by working a job.  
You are strong because you are true to yourself even when Miss Del Villar makes fun of your hair because she’s jealous that she can’t rock  that platinum blonde on a skateboard like you do Brian. 
If necessary, continue doing this for 2-3 more students. 
Step 6: Pick up the completed index cards and pass them out randomly. 
Step 7: Have the classroom read each other’s statements out loud. 
Step 8: Try not to cry, it will be amazing. 
Step 9: Be extremely proud of your students for being so amazing. 
Step 10: Be proud of yourself for reminding them of their amazingness. 

*The audio provided is my favorite class. They inspire me every day to be a better person, a better teacher, a human worthy of leading such talented souls. 



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