April 23, 2014




Hi everyone! The “Imago Dei” T-shirts are now available @cottonbureau for a limited time only (2 weeks), so be sure to order one as soon as possible here:
We need to get 25 orders to make it print, and if you are one of the first 25, then you’ll have a chance to win a free copy of Drawing Type by Alex Fowkes. All you have to do is email me your receipt at handletteredlogos@gmail.com. I hope you guys like it, Thank you Tumblr community!

Tomorrow’s the last day to order shirts, and we just need 3 more to go! If you order one or share it, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

(via tblaberge)

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    Tomorrow’s the last day to order shirts, and we just need 3 more to go! If you order one or share it, I would greatly...
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