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A Small Man’s Response to this UCB payment debate

>Response to this NY Times article<

I have @UCBTLA to thank for challenging me, making me work harder to achieve better quality in my improv comedy which ultimately rewarded me with friends, a great community, a year spent creating sketch shows on Maude night and now being teamed up with some of the best improvisers and new friends I know that is my Harold team Mister Town City.

It has been worth every single unpaid moment. I’m known to have my personal ups and downs, comedy doubts and whatnot stressful depressing moments of feeling lost in my direction however the UCB has always offered inspiration via classes, cheap shows, student jams and an open door for the creative comedy seeker. Some get it, Some don’t. The work we’re doing isn’t labor. It is work that we’ve chosen to pursue simply because we can’t bring ourselves to live without it, plus it is FUN,  and we’re lucky enough that a major popular and quality comedy theatre offers us the possibilities of greatness if we just put in our time and not give up.

I’m not the most articulate person to be a defender on this debate but I want to say that my time with UCB has been precious and there isn’t enough money that can add up to the worth it has given. We all have big dreams and UCB offers a place where we work hard on our comedy crafts and grow and pursue multiple end goals as a community, friends and a theatre.

UCB is mapped out like one of my favorite bands/record companies Fuguazi & Dischord, which never compromises on the vision of quality and staying true to it’s original intent. UCB is here to offer up cheap quality shows for an audience hungry to laugh and those legion of people putting in their own time, talent and money in order to put up the best possible show will one day be the highest praised and quite possibly highest paid performers, writers, producers etc., because they did it for the love of it and nothing more. Being paid for what you love is a gift and must be earned first before you demand it.

Again, maybe I’m off point and don’t understand the stand up comedian’s point of view however I’ve watched friends/roommates do stand up over and over again at open mics, create their own shows and relish when they were asked to do stand up at UCB and never complaining about the lack of payment because let’s admit it, all stage time is good. It makes you a better performer and creates more stage time for you that might be a paying gig, $$$BOUNUS$$$!!!

Anyhow, I love the UCB, I’ve put in a lot of time, still struggle, still love it, don’t need them paying me because fuck it let’s HAVE FUN going after our dreams of comedy!!!

Also, my Harold Team has the pleasure of performing with Bangarang! on their final Harold Night on February 25th at 9:30pm. The reservations are sold out however there is always a stand by list the night of!!!!

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