November 14, 2011
Crazy Canucks - The names



We are the Crazy Canucks Bike Polo team from East Vancouver Canada.

The three team members includes Alex Churchman, Chris Proulx and Rory Crowley. All three of us started playing polo during the 2007 season. We were all reluctant particip ants in bike polo to start for various reasons but soon were hooked. Although as individuals we had played together and against each other we had never combined forces until April 2011 and the Young Retires Cascadia regional qualifier. We brainstormed a number of names (BC Buds got some play) before settling on the Crazy Canucks.

The term Crazy Canucks originally stems from World War 1 because the Canadians would stand and fight, against all odds, often battling to unexpected victory in the trenches of Europe.  In the 1970s the Crazy Canucks were a group of Canadian skiers who challenged the European dominance of the sport by taking risks and skiing on the edge of control. Perfect fit for our team as we represent Canada. We play fast, hard and on the edge. Secondly we live in Vancouver Canada. We live in a hockey town. The Vancouver Canucks are our team. Our team logo is a play on the old Vancouver Canucks logo from the 70s, replacing the hockey stick with a polo mallet.

2:30pm  |   URL:
Filed under: bike polo canucks