Yu Darvish of the Texas Rangers was ONE out away from a perfect baseball game on Tuesday night when he gave up a single.
It was a great night for America’s two favorite pastimes: baseball and racism.
lmao. what is #carma?
Yes, missing out on perfect baseball game is totally the payback America has been waiting for…
See! At least this guy knows a bit of history. HASHTAG hiroshima, HASHTAG nagasaki.
I often receive requests to “post some nice, positive tweets.” Here are some people who really wanted Yu Darvish to pitch that perfect game:
Props to Twitter for offering to translate that last tweet.
good lord there are some trolls out there missing a bridge to bitch about
hey, racism is alive everywhere…
Sometimes I’m ashamed of the human race, so closed minded and arrogant. It’s sad that it’s 2014 and people can’t let go...
This makes me so sad…
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