How to Carve Roast Unicorn
Barn Bocock aka HtCRU lives in beautiful Wellington, Aotearoa. Here he spends his days brewing (and drinking) craft beer, planting stuff, doing little art projects and designing geeky tees. He also practices writing intros in the third person over giant mugs of hot tea as he posts his, and other peoples, stuff up online. This is the way....

Vote for “Incredible Family” by HtCRU to get printed on a tee by Threadless.

“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it. And if anything goes wrong, use your powers.”

  • #The Incredibles
  • #Pixar
  • #Disney
  • #superheroes
  • #vector illustration
  • #Threadless
  • #t-shirt
  • #Barn Bocock
  • #How to Carve Roast Unicorn
  • #HtCRU tees
  • 2nd Aug 2014 / 705 notes
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      Like the way the designer is able to combine all of the characters into the logo of “The Incredibles”, it creates a...
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