What Happens Next: A Gallimaufry

melancholic romantic comic cynic. bi & genderqueer. fantasy writer.

shinrinyokus asked: hey! i just read your fic (this one: /post/91695896606/mishaandpie-au-where-dean-owns-a-record-shop) and i just wanted to express how good it was and omg i'm so in love and thank you so much for doing that! i just noticed that you said you're still writing, and i was wondering does this mean it's still in production, or if you've posted it elsewhere? do you have ao3 or something? because i'd love to read more of your stuff aaah.

Thanks - I’m really glad you like it! I’m still writing it, trying to manage about a chapter a today, and uploading it as I go to AO3. My account is here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/sysrae/works


  1. fozmeadows posted this