What Happens Next: A Gallimaufry

melancholic romantic comic cynic. bi & genderqueer. fantasy writer.

all I want from S10 of Supernatural is for Balthazar and Gabriel to return from their respective graves and go on a sassy, debauched, hijinks-ensue-style roadtrip with Crowley that forces everyone else to quit their angsting and just roll with it, because why the hell not   

  1. mynothingplaces reblogged this from fozmeadows and added:
    Can we have this, please?
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  4. jaiden-s reblogged this from happy-bus and added:
    Fandom would implode. I approve
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  10. dangerousnotbroken reblogged this from onceuponatmi and added:
    All i want from S10 is Balthazar and Gabriel. IDGAF what they do.
  11. onceuponatmi reblogged this from fozmeadows
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  14. notthefuckingtitanic reblogged this from fozmeadows
  15. danceling reblogged this from fozmeadows and added:
    Wasureneba, is this how you feel about life?
  16. fozmeadows posted this