what the fuck is even this

okay i will 

i will stay up all night

with no pant bottoms or underwear on 

in bed 

on my stomach with half an earphone in . 

i didn’t finish what i started listening to, 

i never do. 

think of you. 

and then think of another you. 

and then i think of the window into nowhere land

for a million strangers to read me

for 1 stranger to get bored at another text. 

for me to be sick of this stupid fucking website

and this stupid fucking computer

and my stupid fucking job

and the stupid fucking frequency 

that i resonate. 

it’s my fault. 

i made the choice a long time ago to be here. 

i take out the headphone. 

i see my delusions. 

but, oh how delusions keep us going forever 

since the start. 

and how they will continue

to run

like a program that won

a freight train of now.

Feel that, that

is existence. It’s vulnerable

and can be gone in an instance, folly .

ear wax drips from my ear(s).