My Darling Girl,
Last night, you hugged me so tightly that I barely needed to hold onto you while we headed up the stairs for bed. You had your new baby doll by her arm and you kept giving her kisses with each step. I wanted to hug you as tightly as... High-res

My Darling Girl,

Last night, you hugged me so tightly that I barely needed to hold onto you while we headed up the stairs for bed. You had your new baby doll by her arm and you kept giving her kisses with each step. I wanted to hug you as tightly as I could. I wanted to put you safely back inside where you started. When I was pregnant with you, you were mine alone. And when you were born, my heart was suddenly and miraculously beating outside of my chest. 

But what a joy you are for the world!  I was being selfish in wishing I could keep you for my own…keeping you from discovering this wonderful life that we live.  But in the same breath, I wanted to keep you safe. And we have tried our best to keep you safe. We watch you at all times.  We put plugs in the outlets.  We feed you healthy food and take you to your pediatrician for vaccinations and check-ups. We make sure that you get enough sleep. We wash our hands and tell you to sit down in your bath. We bought a mini-tree and put it high up on a table. We bought a house in a great school district so you will thrive in school. And with all that we do to try and keep you safe and help you grow, it pains me that all of this may not be enough. And it saddens me that one day your Daddy and I will have to teach your innocent mind and joy-filled heart about random acts of violence.  Unfortunately, it won’t be a choice of ours to make.

But for now, my sweet girl…just keep holding onto me with each step and I promise to show you all the beauty in the world that we can find. 

I love you. 

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  1. walkithigh said: Such a sweet moment, and one lucky girl :)
  2. shesagoodegg said: Probably the hardest job of a parent. But, hey, we all learned about these things & we can still find beauty in each day, so your sweet daughter will be ok, too.
  3. dealwithitdottgif said: What a sweetheart!
  4. pinotandthefigs posted this