Honeyed Walnut Milk


I was browsing through Mountain Rose Herb’s blog, and came across a entry on Walnut milk that I thought I’d try. I had no idea nut milk was so easy to make, so I’m pretty excited to add this to my toolkit of recipes. (Original source and recipe: http://mountainroseblog.com/lavender-walnut-milk-fudge-treats/ )

Their recipe calls for lavender, which I don’t have in stock right now, so here’s how I modified it:

Honeyed Walnut Milk: 

  • 1 cup raw walnuts
  • 4 cups filtered water, and about 1 cup for soaking
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • about 2 tsp starthistle honey


Soak the walnuts in water for approximately 6 hours. They’ll turn a bit spongy-looking when they’re ready. Drain and rinse the walnuts.

Blend these together with the 4 cups of water, vanilla, and honey. (If you’re using a food processor, be sure its lid is waterproof. I found out the hard way today that mine is NOT, and after much ado, switched to a blender). 

Strain the mixture using cheesecloth or a jelly bag. The pulp can be reserved for baking. 


I recommend chilling it well, then enjoying it with a giant brownie. :)

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