“ NOM launched a campaign against Starbucks this afternoon, apparently enraged that the company reflects the views of a majority of Americans in supporting marriage equality.
NOM is essentially asking its core base to intentionally harm...


NOM launched a campaign against Starbucks this afternoon, apparently enraged that the company reflects the views of a majority of Americans in supporting marriage equality.

NOM is essentially asking its core base to intentionally harm the economic well-being and livelihood of Starbucks employees all over the world. Their logic for going after Starbucks is curious – companies whose technologies better our lives on a daily basis also support marriage equality.

Microsoft, for example, joined Starbucks in supporting marriage equality in Washington State. Apple came out against Proposition 8 in California. Is there no Microsoft software of any kind in NOM’s offices? Did Brian Brown, Maggie Gallagher, or any NOM staff refrain from buying iPhones because of Apple’s opposition to Prop 8?

Act now to show your support for Starbucks and take a stand against NOM’s bizarre campaign.

NOM makes the misleading claim that the majority of Americans and “virtually every consumer” define marriage as between one man and one woman, when in fact polling consistently shows that majorities of Americans support marriage equality. A 2011 Gallup poll showed that 53 percent of Americans support marriage equality. Other recent polls from ABC News/Washington Post, the Associated Press, and CNN/Opinion Research all show support for marriage equality above 50 percent. A recent New York Times/CBS News poll found 63 percent of Americans support legal recognition for gay and lesbian couples.

March 21, 2012, Dan Rafter

CATEGORY: Call It Out, NOM Exposed, Marriage, Workplace, Blog, National Organization for Marriage, Marriage & Relationships

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