Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Introducing your two resident butch girls.


Hi! I am super butch and I fucking love it. I love everything about the way I look, and I wish more boys did too. It’s interesting to see who’s into my look and who isn’t, and how people read me. I’ve dated all kinds of boys, from femme to butch. I want butchness to be a socially desirable characteristic for a women. I dunno, I’m kind of rambling here, but basically I am hot and I want the world to think so too. I want you, if you’re a boy into butch women (BIBW), to be reading this now and be all, shit, I wish I could ask her out. Yeah. You can.


I’ll start by saying that yes, Katie really is hot, anyway IIIIIIII am butch, and IIIIII like boys. This is apparently like Oprah worthy or something. Also I like the internet and want good things to show up when you’re sitting there googling into a void about your particular predicament. My favorite search words historically have been “butch straight girls” “butch girls who like boys” “gender nonconforming straight women” and so on…. and now this page will show up when you google these things. Hi! :::hugs::: you are not alone and stuff.