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Updates to This Fits eBay and Yoox Searches for Quality Menswear

Just a quick note that I made a few updates to one of this site’s most popular pages–the list of eBay and Yoox searches preloaded with quality brands to make finding great deals even easier.

Specifically, I added some filtering to do a better job of avoiding false positives, and I fixed the Yoox shoe search, which appears to have been broken for some time.

As always, I encourage you to see this as a starting point. After finding something intriguing, it’s always a good idea to do some of your own research to make sure you know what you’re getting–it’s easy to be misled by lower-quality diffusion lines and knock-off brands, or outdate styling.

Also–especially on Yoox–it’s worth straying from this searches and checking out unknown brands. Quite often, the best deals are found when you see something that looks good, do some research, and find that it’s from an obscure but high-quality maker.

Pictured above, a lot of 3 Vass shoes from my eBay shoe search, and a Canali jacket from my Yoox sport coat search.

See all of my eBay and Yoox searches here.

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  2. enlxghtenment reblogged this from thisfits and added:
    Those shoes,I need those shoes.
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