Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme




Do you ever get jealous of someone who interacts really well with a really close friend of yours, not because you have a crush on your friend or anything but because you’re jealous of how much you pale in comparison to them when you see how much of a better friend they are to the one you’re close to?

  1. chilled-ice-cubes reblogged this from megsthetic and added:
    yeah :/ i’m like, really socially awkward and today i noticed a girl (who’s not one of my close friends but is still a...
  2. leshommesetfemmes reblogged this from megsthetic
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  13. fantasymind231 reblogged this from andtheytoldustotellyouhello and added:
    It’s worse when you consider them one of your best friends but then you find out that you’re just a regular friend to...
  14. megsthetic posted this