Florida International University


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    Seriously… we’re still like “huh”?


    1. christopheralain reblogged this from fiu
    2. vivalasarepas reblogged this from lifehandsmeoranges
    3. lifehandsmeoranges reblogged this from fiu and added:
      I never knew we had an island AND LEGIT THE PC thing always confused TF out of me.
    4. xtina412-blog-blog reblogged this from fiu
    5. flamesofatimelord reblogged this from sugary-bowl
    6. revelsinmalevolence reblogged this from fiu
    7. superthoughts-averageman reblogged this from fiu
    8. welcometodelphi reblogged this from fiu and added:
      and we’ll stay like “huh?” because this only explains like two of them. and that is the creepiest art installation ever
    9. fiu posted this

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